Digital Photography Before and After Makeovers

Digital Photography Before and After Makeovers

King, Julie Adair

John Wiley and Sons Ltd








An exciting new full-color guide focusing exclusively on digital photography makeovers With more than 200 full-color images, this guide presents step-by-step instructions on selecting proper camera settings, shooting against the best backdrop available, using photo-editing tools to correct mistakes, and performing "extreme" makeovers.
Introduction. 1 SETTING UP YOUR CAMERA AND DIGITAL DARKROOM. Turn Down ISO to Stifle Noise. Capture More Pixels for Better Prints. Bury JPEG Artifacts. Go Raw for Maximum Quality and Control. Turn Off Digital Zoom. Expand Your Palette with a Wider-Gamut Color Space. Frame Loosely for Greater Print Flexibility. Profile Your Monitor for Accurate Image Display. Make Friends with Your Photo Editor. Customize Your Tool Brush to the Job. Choose Your Paint Colors. Master the Art of Selecting. Wave the Magic Wand to Select by Color. 2 EXPOSURE AND LIGHTING MAKEOVERS. Exposing a Better Picture. Autoexposure Hack #1: Change the Metering Mode. Autoexposure Hack #2: EV Compensation. Go Flash Free for Better Indoor Portraits. Use Fill Flash to Improve Outdoor Portraits. Snap a More Colorful Sunset Portrait. Banish Reflections and Shadows from Product Shots. Correct Exposure in Your Photo Editor. Reveal Lost Shadow Detail. 3 FOCUS MAKEOVERS. Draw Attention to Your Subject with Focus. Blur a Busy Background in Your Photo Editor. Steady the Camera, Sharpen the Shot. Solve Autofocus Miscues. Bring More of the Scene into Focus. Increase Shutter Speed to Freeze Action. Turn Water into Mist with a Slow Shutter. Discover Drama in the Details with Macro-Focusing Power. Create the Illusion of Sharper Focus. 4 COLOR MAKEOVERS. Neutralize Light with Manual White Balancing. Add Warmth for Better Portraits. Tweak Color Balance in Your Photo Editor. Remove a Color Cast with a Single Click. Dial Back Saturation to Reveal Subtle Details. Direct the Eye with Color. Lower the Odds of Red Eye. Repair Red Eye (Or Green, Yellow, or White Eye). Add Impact by Going Gray. Give Your Picture an Antique Look. 5 MORE DIGITAL DARKROOM MAKEOVERS. Straighten a Tilting Image. Straighten Converging Verticals. Crop to a Better Composition. Crop to Specific Dimensions. Clone Away Intrusive Objects. Apply a Blur to Diminish Noise. Make a High-Resolution Image Web Friendly. 6 EXTREME MAKEOVERS. Turn Sorry Snapshots into Framable Winners. Take a Low-Light Landscape from Dark and Drab to Bright and Fab. Turn a Blurry Mess into an Animal Adventure. Give Your Product Shots More Sales Appeal. APPENDIX: GLOSSARY AND QUICK REFERENCE GUIDE. Glossary of Digital Photography Terms. Picture Makeover Quick Reference. Symbol Quick Reference. Products/Services Quick Reference. My Camera Quick Reference. Set Up Color Management in Photoshop Elements. INDEX.
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