Etale Cohomology

Etale Cohomology

Milne, James S.

Princeton University Press





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Lefschetz pencil; Projection (mathematics); Topology; Subset; Diagram (category theory); Invertible sheaf; Noetherian; Galois cohomology; Existential quantification; Spectral sequence; Algebraic equation; Integral domain; Theorem; Commutative diagram; Complex number; Abelian category; Subring; Category of sets; Zariski's main theorem; Direct limit; Sheaf of modules; Surjective function; Cohomology ring; Algebraically closed field; Algebraic closure; Stein factorization; Group scheme; Torsion sheaf; Weil conjecture; Cokernel; Codimension; Fibration; Presheaf (category theory); Principal homogeneous space; Isomorphism class; Galois group; Affine variety; Finite morphism; Functor; Subcategory; Galois extension; Residue field; Subgroup; Algebraic space; Finite field; Yoneda lemma; Cohomology; Alexander Grothendieck; Field of fractions; Base change; Algebraic cycle; Projective variety; Topological space; Fundamental group; Profinite group; Zariski topology; G-module; Open set; Subalgebra; Vector bundle; Morphism; Torsor (algebraic geometry); Intersection (set theory); Closed immersion; Local ring; Brauer group; Dedekind domain; Sheaf (mathematics); Henselian ring; Chow's lemma