Methods in Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy

Methods in Biomedical Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Spectroscopy

Young, Ian R.; Harris, R. K.; Grant, D.M.

John Wiley and Sons Ltd







15 a 20 dias


Magnetic resonance imaging is a key analytical tool applied in medical diagnosis and is used to study the macroscopic distribution of materials such as those found in the human body. This work provides a comprehensive coverage of medical magnetic resonance spectroscopy and imaging.
VOLUME ONE. Overview and General Articles. Magnetic Resonance Imaging: A Historical Overview. MRI in Clinical Medicine. Whole Body Studies: Impact of MRS. Low-field Whole Body Systems. MRI at Midfield Strength. High-Field Whole Body Systems. Sensitivity of NMR Experiment Sensitivity of Whole Body MRI Experiements. Outcome and Efficacy - Analysis of Healthcare Methods. Quality Control and Quantification in Whole Body MRI and MRS. Health and Safety Aspects of Human MR Studies. Radiofrequency Fields: Interactions, Biological Effects, and Safety Issues. Part Two: Engineering Aspects of Whole Body MR. Resistive and Permanent Magnets for Whole Body MRI. Cryogenic Magnets for Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Systems. Gradient Coil Systems. Whole Body MRI: Local and Inserted Gradient Coils. Radiofrequency Systems and Coils for MRI and MRS. Birdcage Resonators: highly Homogenous Radiofrquency Coils for Magnetic Resonance Surface and Other Local Coils for In Vivo Studies. Whole Body Machines: NMR Phased Array Coil Systems. Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers: AlDigital Transmit/Receive Systems. Surface Coil NMR: Detection with Inhomogenous Radiofrequency Field Antennas. Multifrequency Coils for Whole Body Studies. Coils for Insertion into the Human Body. Refrigerated and Superconducting receiver Coils for Whole Body Magnetic Resonance. ESR Probes as Field Detectors in MRI. Eddy Currents and Their Control. Patient Life Support and Monitoring Facilities for Whole Body MRI. Part Three: Physics and Techniques of MR Imaging. Image Formation Methods. Spin Warp Data Acquisition. Spin Warp Method: Artifacts. Projection-Reconstruction in MRI. Spiral Scanning Imaging Techniques. Spatial Encoding Using Multiple rf Coils: SMASH Imaging and Parallel MRI. Whole Body Magnetic Resonance: Fast Low Angle Acquisition Methods. MultiEcho Acquisition Techniques Using Inverting Radio Frequency Pulses in MRI. Echo-Planar Imaging. Partial Fourier Acquisition in MRI. Wavelet Encoding of MRI Images. Selective Excitation in MRI and MR Spectroscopy. Selective Excitation Methods: Artifacts. Complex Radiofrequency Pulses. Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Artifacts. Motion Artifcats: Mechanism and Control. Pulsatility Artifacts Due to Blood Flow and Tissue Motion and Their Control. Image Quality and perception. Image Segmentation, Texture Analysis, Data Extraction, and Measurement. Whole Body MRI:Strategies for Improving Imaging and Efficiency. Multiple Quantum Coherence Imaging. Part Four: Methodology for MRI. Inversion-Recovery Pulse Sequence in MRI. Whole Body Studies Involving Spin-Lattice Relaxation in the Rotating Frame. Tissue Water and Lipids: Chemical Shift Imaging and Other Methods. Market Grids for Observing Motion in MRI. Brain Parenchyma Motion Observed by MRI. Cardiac Gating Practice. Overhauser Effect Imaging of Free Radicals. Hyperpolarized Gas Imaging. Lung and Mediastinium: A Discussion of the Relevant NMR Physics. Elastography. MR-Guided Biopsy, Aspiration, and Cyst Drainage. Postoperative Trauma Observed by MRI. Part Five: Very High Resolution Imaging. NMR Microscopy: Resolution. Susceptibilityn and Diffusion Effects in NMR Microscopy. Imaging of Wide-Band Systems by Line-Narrowing Methods. Imaging Techniques for Solids and Quasi-Solids. Plants, Seeds, Roots, and Solids as Applications of Magentic Resonance Microscopy. Polymer MRI. Part Six: Flow Phenomena Including Perfusion and Diffusion. CSF Velocity Imaging. Whole Body Magnetic Resonance Angiography. Time-of-Flight Method of MRA. Phase Contrast MRA. Blood Flow: Quantitative Measurement by MRI. Assessment of Regional Blood Flow and Volume by Kinetic Analysis of Contrast-Dilution Curves. Cerebral Perfusion Imaging by Exogenous Contrast Agents. Methods and Applications of Diffusion MRI. Anisotropically Restricted Diffusion in MRI. Diffusion:Clinical Utility of MRI Studies. Part Seven: Functional MRI. Image processing of Functional MRI Data. Functional MRI at High Fields: Practice and Utility. Hemodynamic Changes Owing to Sensory Activation of the Brain Monitored by Echo-Planar Imaging. Part Eight: Relaxometry and Related Topics. Relaxometry of Tissue. Relaxation Measurements in Imaging Studies. Relaxation Measurements in Whole Body MRI: Clinical Utility. Susceptibility Effects in Whole Body Experiments. Magnetization Transfer between Water and Macromolecules in Proton MRI. Magnetization Transfer and Cross Relaxation in Tissue. Magnetization Transfer Contrast: Clinical Applications. Temperature Measurement in Vivo Using NMR. Part Nine: Contrast Agents and Their Use. Contrast Agents in Whole Body Magnetic Resonance: An Overview. Contrast Agents in Magnetic Resonance: Operating Mechanisms. Gadolinium Chelates: Chemistry, Safety and Behaviour. Gadolinium Chelate Contrast Agents in MRI: Clinical Applications. Contrast Agents in MRI: Superparamagnetic Iron Oxide. VOLUME TWO. Part Ten: Techniques for MRS. Single Voxel Whole Body Phosphorus MRS. Single Voxel Localized Proton NMR Spectroscopy of Human Brain in Vivo. Chemical Shift Imaging. Localization and Registration Issues Important for Serial MRS Studies of Focal Brain Lesions. pH Measurement In Vivo in Whole Body Systems. Proton Decoupling During In Vivo Whole Body Phosphorus MRS. Proton Decoupling in Whole Body Carbon-13 MRS. Rotating Frame Methods for Spectroscopic Localization. Spatial Localization Techniques for Human MRS. Water Suppression in Proton MRS of Humans and Animals. Quantitation in In Vivo MRS. Sodium-23 Magnetic Resonance of Human Subjects. Phosphorus-31 Magnetization Transfer Studies in Vivo. Applications of F-NMR to Oncology. Fluorine-19 MRS: General Overview and Anesthesia. Body Fat Metabolism: Observation by MR Imaging and Spectroscopy. EPR and In Vivo EPR: Roles for Experimental and Clinical NMR Studies. Part Eleven: MR of Animal and Cell. Body Fluids. Cation Movements Across Cell Walls of Intact Tissues using MRS. Cell and Cell Systems MRS. Tissue and Cell Extracts MRS. Tissue NMR Ex Vivo. Animal Methods in MRS. Animal Models of Stroke Studied by MRI Spectroscopic Studies of Animal Tumor Models. In Vivo ESR Imaging of Animals. Part Twelve: MR of Head, Neck, and Spine. Ischemic Stroke. Magnetic Resonance Imaging of White Matter Disease. Brain Neoplasms Studied by MRI. Intracranial Infections. Hemorrhage in the Brain and Neck Observed by MRI. Eye, Orbit, Ear, Nose, and Throat Studies using MRI. Head and Neck Investigations by MRI. Head and Neck Studies Using MRA. Central Nervous System Degenerative Disease Observed by MRI. Cranial Nerves Investigated by MRI. Pituitary Gland and Parasellar Region Studied by MRI. Pediatric Brain MRI: Applications in Neonates and Infants. Temporomandibular Joint MRI. Degenerative Disk Disease Studied by MRI. Brain MRS of Human Subjects. Brain Infection and Degenerative Disease Studied by Proton MRS. Brain MRS of Infants and Children. Brain Neoplasms in Humans Studied by Phosphorus-31 NMR Spectroscopy. Systematically Induced Encephalopathies: Newer Clinical Applications of MRS. Structural and Functional MR in Epilepsy. MRI and MRS of Neuropyschiatry. Neurosurgical Procedures Monitored by Intraoperative MRI. MR-Guided Therapy in the Brain. Part Thirteen: MR of the Pelvis, Abdomen and Thorax. Heart Clinical Applications of MRI. Cardiovascular NMR to Study Function. NMR Spectroscopy of the Human Heart. Lung and Mediastinum MRI. Breast MRI. Liver, Pancreas, Spleen, and Kidney MRI. Abdominal MRA. Tissue Behavior Measurements Using Phosphorus-31 NMR. In Vivo Hepatic MRS of Humans. Thermal Therapies in the Body Monitored by MRI. Pediatric Body MRI. Male Pelvis Studies Using MRI. MRI of the Femal Pelvis. Kidney, Prostrate, Testicle, and Uterus of Subjects Studied by MRS. Design and Use of Internal Receiver Coils for MRI. Gastroscopy and Colonoscopy. Part Fourteen: MR of the Musculo-Skeletal System. Imaging and Spectroscopy of Muscle. Peripheral Vascolature MRA. Skeletal MNuscle Evaluated by MRI. Peripheral Joint Magnetic resonance Imaging. Peripheral Miscle Matabolism Studied by MRS. MRI of Musculoskeletal Neoplasms. Imaging of Trabecular Bone. Index.
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