Therapeutic Risk

Therapeutic Risk

Perception, Measurement, Management

Burley, D.M.; Inman, W.H.W.

John Wiley and Sons Ltd








The results of a conference on therapeutic risk in medicine, held in Brighton, Sussex in June 1987. Individual papers are concerned with the results of dispensing drugs, the rarity or seriousness of attendant risks involved, and the manner in which therapeutic drugs can be measured and controlled.
Part 1 Perception, measurement, management: the perception of drug-related risk, K.Heilmann; risk perception and measurement, J.Urquhart; post-marketing surveillance, W.H.W.Inman; quality of life, W.O.Spitzer; risk management - an industrial viewpoint, G.Venning; risk management - regulatory responsibilities, A.W.Asscher. Part 2 Acceptable risk levels: introduction, L.Lasagna; gout and rheumatoid arthritis, C.Hawkins and G.Nuki; mild hypertension and congestive heart failure, S.Taylor and D.Chamberlain; hay fever and acute or chronic urinary tract infection, V.W.M.Drury and G.Beaumont; acne and otitis media, P.Grob and J.Bain; varicose veins and gall-stones, A.A.Gunn and V.V.Kakkar.
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