Instant Insights: Economics of Key Agricultural Practices

Instant Insights: Economics of Key Agricultural Practices

Onstad, Dr David W.; de Wolf, Mr Pieter; Klompe, Dr Koen; Crain, Dr Philip R.; Eagle, Mr David; Topi, Dr Corrado; Pearson, Dr Leonie J.; Bijker, Dr William; Houben, Dr Saskia; Saleh, Dr Nadira

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited






15 a 20 dias

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Chapter 1 - Assessing the economics of integrated pest management for horticultural crops: Philip R. Crain and David W. Onstad, Corteva Agriscience, USA; 1 Introduction2 Concepts of economic thinking3 Economic impact of horticultural crops and case studies on the complexity of integrated pest management4 Conclusion5 Future trends in research6 Where to look for further information7 References
Chapter 2 - Evaluating the economics of integrated weed management: Pieter de Wolf, Saskia Houben, William Bijker and Koen Klompe, Wageningen Plant Research, The Netherlands; 1 Introduction2 Approaches to economic evaluation3 The case study in IWMPRAISE4 Comparing the economics of different integrated weed management strategies5 Different approaches in assessing the economics of integrated weed management strategies6 Comparing different approaches in the economic evaluation of integrated weed management strategies7 Where to look for further information8 References
Chapter 3 - Assessing the economic value of agricultural biodiversity: a critical perspective: Corrado Topi, Stockholm Environment Institute at York, Department of Environment and Geography and Interdisciplinary Global Development Centre, University of York, UK; and Leonie J. Pearson, Stockholm Environment Institute, Thailand; 1 Introduction2 The relationship between definitions and economic approaches3 What does valuing agricultural biodiversity mean?4 The ecosystem services framework (ESF)5 Ecosystem interactions6 Understanding the limitations of ecosystem service valuations7 The investor perspective: the natural environment as a legally structured persona8 Conclusions9 References
Chapter 4 - The economics of smallholder farming: David Eagle and Nadira Saleh, Mennonite Economic Development Associates (MEDA), Canada; 1 Introduction2 Segmentation3 Land4 Labour5 Capital6 Inputs7 Market access8 Decision-making9 Case study: BEST Cassava10 Summary11 Where to look for further information12 References
Chapter 5 - The economics of soil health: Maria Bowman, ERS-USDA, USA; 1 Introduction2 Use of key soil health practices by farmers in the USA3 Costs and benefits of soil health practices4 Case studies in soil health: strengths and limitations5 Public benefits of soil health and soil health management practices6 Barriers to adoption of soil health practices7 Evaluating the role of federal and state regulations, policies and incentive programmes8 Future trends and conclusion9 Where to look for further information10 References
Chapter 6 - The economics of precision agriculture: James Lowenberg-DeBoer, Harper Adams University, UK; 1 Introduction2 Adoption of PA technology3 PA adoption and economics4 Predicting future trends based on recent studies of PA profitability5 Future trends and conclusion6 Where to look for further information7 References
integrated pest management;system design;economic decision making;Economic evaluation;cost effectiveness;feasibility study;Integrated Weed Management;IWM;Farm system analysis;Expert elicitation;agrobiodiversity;ecosystem services;complexity economics;ecological economics;resource constraints;smallholders;segmentation;Soil health management;Farmers adoption;Cost-effective conservation;State regulations;Farmer incentives;precision agriculture adoption;Global navigation satellite systems (GNSS);variable rate technology;robotics in agriculture;artificial intelligence in agriculture