Instant Insights: Understanding and Tackling Fusarium Wilt of Banana

Instant Insights: Understanding and Tackling Fusarium Wilt of Banana

Drenth, Prof Andre; Amorim, Dr Edson; Perez-Vicente, Dr Luis; authors, Various; Martinez de la Parte, Dr Einar; de Oliveira Amorim, Dr Vanusia Batista; Khayat, Prof Eli; Koeppel, Mr Dan; Kema, Prof Gert H. J.; Garcia-Bastidas, Dr Fernando

Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing Limited





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Chapter 1 - Understanding the banana industry: monoculture and beyond: Dan Koeppel, Independent Journalist and Researcher, USA;

1 Introduction
2 Banana varieties and the Cavendish monoculture
3 The development of a banana monoculture
4 The dynamics of the banana monoculture
5 Post-war developments: business as usual?
6 The Cavendish era
7 Cavendish in crisis and a new paradigm
8 The hunt for new varieties
9 Future trends and conclusion
10 Where to look for further information

Chapter 2 - Fusarium wilt of banana: impact, epidemiology and management of Fusarium wilt Race 1 and 2 [Ed. 4]: Einar Martinez de la Parte, Wageningen University and Research, The Netherlands and Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal (INISAV), Cuba; and Luis Perez-Vicente, Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal (INISAV), Cuba;

1 Introduction
2 Disease symptoms
3 Pathogen characteristics
4 Disease cycle and epidemiology
5 Disease occurrence and impact
6 Disease resistance: cultivar susceptibility and host resistance
7 Management of the disease
8 Conclusion and future trends
9 Where to look for further information
10 References

Chapter 3 - The past, present and future of Fusarium wilt of banana caused by Tropical Race 4 [Ed. 5]: Fernando Garcia-Bastidas, KeyGene B.V., The Netherlands; Andre Drenth, The University of Queensland, Australia; and Gert H. J. Kema, Wageningen University, The Netherlands;

1 Introduction
2 Past: origins, spread and biology
3 Present: detection, epidemiology and control
4 Future: preventative/curative disease control and breeding
5 Conclusion
6 Where to look for further information
7 Acknowledgements
8 References

Chapter 4 - Targeted improvement of Cavendish clones: Eli Khayat, Rahan Meristem (1998) LTD., Israel;

1 Introduction
2 Genetic background of bananas and plantains
3 In vitro mutagenesis: somaclonal variation
4 Conclusion and future trends
5 References

Chapter 5 - Developing hybrid banana varieties with improved properties: Edson Perito Amorim, Vanusia Batista de Oliveira Amorim, Manasses dos Santos Silva, Fernando Haddad, Claudia Fortes Ferreira and Janay Almeida dos Santos Serejo, Embrapa, Brazil;

1 Introduction
2 Released hybrids
3 Seeds as the basis of the genetic improvement program of Embrapa
4 Improved diploids and their importance in the improvement of Musa spp.
5 Phenotyping for resistance to Fusarium wilt race 1
6 The Embrapa breeding cycle
7 Alternatives to breeding based on crosses
8 Future trends and conclusion
9 References
banana cultivation;monoculture;Cavendish bananas;banana industry;banana varieties;Musa;Panama disease;Fusarium oxysporum f sp Cubense;yellow leaf syndrome;Tropical Race 4;bananas;disease control;control methods;in vitro mutagenesis;retro transposons activation;DNA de-methylation;somaclonal variation;disease resistance;breeding;hybrids;Embrapa;cultivars