Introduction to Animal Science

Introduction to Animal Science

Pond, Kevin R.; Pond, Wilson G.

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Section One

Chapter 1 Food Production 1

Historical Perspective 1

Human Population Growth 2

Role of Research and of Land, Water, Soil, and Energy Resources 4

Food Consumption 9

Who Produces the Food? 16

Summary 18

Chapter 2 Domestic Animals 20

An Overview of the Contributions of Domestic Animals 20

Food from Animals 22

Animal Byproducts 23

Pharmaceuticals and Therapeutic Agents 25

Companionship and Pleasure 25

Faithful Stewards 27

Draft Power and Transportation 28

Manure, Crop Residues, and Food Processing Wastes 28

Biomedical Research 31

Summary 31

Chapter 3 Animal Agriculture In The United States And The World 33

Historical Perspective 33

Animal and Crop Production Profiles in the World 33

Animal and Crop Production Profiles in the United States 38

The Place of the United States in World Animal Agriculture 49

Summary 50

Section Two

Chapter 4 Reproduction 52

Gonadotropic Hormones and Their Functions 53

Male Organs of Reproduction and Their Functions 54

Female Organs of Reproduction and Their Functions 59

The Estrous Cycle 63

Pregnancy 65

Parturition 67

Artificial Insemination 69

Estrus Detection 72

Estrus Synchronization 72

Fertilization 73

Embryo Transfer 74

Summary 76

Chapter 5 Lactation 81

The Mammary Gland 81

Milk Synthesis and Secretion 84

Colostrum 86

Milk Composition 87

Milk Production 90

Metabolic Cost of Lactation 95

Summary 96

Chapter 6 Genetics 99

Introduction 99

Genes and Chromosomes of the Cell 100

Mitosis 106

Meiosis 106

Fertilization and Growth 107

Dominant and Recessive Alleles for a Single Trait: Six Possible Outcomes 109

Types of Gene Action 110

Quantitatively Inherited Traits 112

Selection 113

Mating Systems 116

Molecular Genetics 119

Summary 122

Chapter 7 Growth 127

Methods of Expressing Growth 128

Body Weight as a Measure of Growth 129

Hyperplasia, Hypertrophy, and Differentiation 131

Growth of Brain, Skeleton, Muscle, and Adipose Tissue 134

Strategies for Regulating Growth 140

Growth of Placenta, Fetus, and Mammary Tissues in Mammals and Embryo in Birds 140

Summary 144

Chapter 8 Nutrition And Feeding 146

Nutrients 147

The Gastrointestinal Tract: Structure, Digestion, and Absorption 176

Factors Affecting Feed Consumption 182

Feeds and Feeding 183

Summary 196

Section Three

Chapter 9 Animal Husbandry: Fulfilling Animal Needs 212

Space and Place 213

Thermal Environment 214

Light Environment 219

Environmental Effects on Animal Health 222

Air Pollution in Animal Houses 224

Effects of High Altitude 224

Animal-Human Interactions 225

Animal Accommodations 226

Assessing Environmental Quality 229

Summary 230

Chapter 10 Animal States-Of-Being 232

Domestication and Adaptability 232

Multifaceted Internal and External Environments 233

Environmental Adaptability 236

Animal Needs 238

Inevitable Compromises 242

A Public Issue: Farm-Animal Welfare 243

Summary 247

Chapter 11 New And Emerging Issues 251

Plant-Animal Ecosystems 252

Ecological Balance and Environmental Quality 253

Animal Well-Being 257

Biological Diversity 259

Biotechnology 262

Food Safety 265

Economic Support for Agriculture 268

Challenges and Opportunities for Animal Science Graduates in the Twenty-first Century 270

Summary 271

Section Four

Chapter 12 Live Animal Evaluation: Beef Cattle, Sheep, And Swine 275

Live Animal Evaluation: Past and Present 276

Beef Cattle Evaluation 277

Sheep Evaluation 286

Swine Evaluation 292

Summary 299

Chapter 13 Dairy Cattle 301

Changes and Trends in the Dairy Industry 302

Dairy Cattle Breeds 306

Milk Marketing 306

Genetic Improvement 308

Housing Systems 310

Herd Health 316

Nutrition and Feeding 316

Reproductive Management 324

Dairy Replacements 326

Economics 329

Summary 332

Chapter 14 Beef Cattle 335

Historical Aspects 336

Cattle Statistics 336

Production System 338

Breeding and Genetic Considerations 342

Reproductive Management 349

Nutritional Management 353

Herd Health Concerns 360

General Management Considerations and Issues 363

Summary 369

Chapter 15 Poultry And Egg Production 373

Integrated Production Systems 374

Reproduction 375

Breeding 377

Incubation 379

Brooding and Rearing 380

Feeding and Nutrition 382

Housing 383

Equipment 388

Lighting Poultry 389

Production Systems 391

Health Maintenance 396

Summary 398

Chapter 16 Horses And The Horse Industry 400

History of the Horse and the Horse Industry in the United States 401

Horse Care and Health Programs 414

Nutrition 419

Housing and Containment 425

Raising Horses 426

Breeding Horses 427

Training Horses 435

Buying and/or Selling a Horse 436

Summary 438

Chapter 17 Swine 441

Description and Characteristics of Swine Production 442

Issues Facing the Pork Industry 447

Pork as Human Food 450

Life Cycle 452

Breeds 456

Applied Genetics 457

Nutrition and Feeding 462

Health 469

Types of Production 470

Husbandry and Management 473

Marketing 479

Emerging Technologies 483

Summary 483

Chapter 18 Sheep And Goats 486

Number of Sheep and Goats 487

Breeds of Sheep and Goats 488

Production Systems 490

Breeding Management 493

Feeding and Nutrition 494

Gestational Concerns 499

Lambing and Kidding Management 502

Growing and Finishing 505

Diseases and Parasites 505

Marketing 507

Summary 507

Chapter 19 Aquatic Animans 510

Evolution of Aquaculture 511

Benefits of Aquaculture 511

Comparison of Feeding Fish versus Livestock 512

Feeding and Nutrition 513

Aquaculture and the Environment 515

Commercial Aquaculture 516

Summary 524

Chapter 20 Dogs And Cats 526

Dogs and Cats in American Society 527

Careers in the pet Industry 529

Nutritional Requirements of Dogs and Cats 530

Basic Health Care 538

Reproduction in the Kennel or Cattery 545

Development and Socialization of Puppies and Kittens 548

Summary 549

Chapter 21 Other Animals, Other Uses, Other Opportunities 553

Animals for Food, Hides, and Fiber 554

Animals Raised for Fur 574

Animals in Research 575

Animals as Tissue and Organ Donors 576

Animals as Pets and Companions 578

Animals in Zoos and Aquariums 579

Summary 580

Section Five

Chapter 22 Meat And Meat Products 584

Modern Methods of Processing Carcasses 585

Distribution of Meat and Meat products 586

Packaging of Retail Meat Cuts 587

The Diet/Health "Scare" for Red Meats and the Response by the Livestock Industry 588

Low Fat Meats 589

The Other White Meat 589

Slaughter Plant Size 591

Food Safety 592

U.S. Meat Production 593

Meat Inspection 593

Hazard Analysis Critical control points 595

Carcass Composition 595

Composition of Muscle 597

Age, Sex, Weight, Fatness, Grade and Breed Effects on Meat Quality and Value 599

Effects of Fatness on Meat Palatability 605

Effects of Cooking 607

Why Meat Retail Cuts Differ in Price 608

Summary 610

Chapter 23 Milk And Milk Products 612

Composition of Milk and Dairy Foods 614

Milk Microbiology 616

Milk Processing 621

Processing of Cultured Byproducts 627

Other Products 629

Defects 631

Cleaning and Sanitation of Dairy Plant Systems 633

Operating Efficiencies 635

In-Plant Quality Audits 635

Summary 635

Chapter 24 Poultry And Egg Processing And Products 637

Poultry Meat 637

Eggs 646

Liquid Eggs 650

Summary 652

Chapter 25 Aquaculture Products 654

Importance of Aquaculture Products 654

Nutritional Value of Fish 655

Processing and Marketing and Aquaculture Products 657

Quality 658

Future of Aquaculture Products 660

Summary 660

Chapter 26 Wool Mohair And Other Animal Fibers 663

Wool 663

Mohair 674

Other Animal Fibers 675

Pelts skins and sides 676

Summary 678

Chapter 27 The Future: Animals And Society In The 21st Century 682

Demand for Animal Products 683

Food Resources 684

Trends and Expectations on the Nature of U.S. Animal Agriculture 684

Opportunities in Animal Agriculture 686

Summary 687

Appendices A-1

Index I-1
Este título pertence ao(s) assunto(s) indicados(s). Para ver outros títulos clique no assunto desejado.
animals; society; domestic; animal agriculture; production; food; nutrition; lactation; growth; husbandry; animal; world; reproduction; principles; genetics; beef; dairy; swine; cattle; industry; egg; goats; milk; aquaculture