Optical Detection Theory for Laser Applications

Optical Detection Theory for Laser Applications

Osche, Gregory R.

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Chapter 1. Introduction and Background.

1.1. Overview of Laser Systems.

1.2. Review of Statistical Methods.

1.3. Decision-Making Processes.

1.4. Optical Detection Techniques.


Chapter 2. Signal and Noise Analysis.

2.1. Introduction.

2.2. Review of Diffraction Theory.

2.3. Free-Space Propagation.

2.4. Truncated and Obscured Gaussian Beams.

2.5. Fourier Optics and the Array Theorem.

2.6. Antenna and Mixing Theorems.

2.7. Analysis of Coherent Detection Systems.

2.8. Analysis of Direct-Detection Systems.

2.9. Receiver and Clutter Noise.

2.10. Power Signal-to-Noise-Ratio.


Chapter 3. Random Processes in Beam Propagation.

3.1. Introduction.

3.2. Review of Optical Coherence Theory.

3.3. Surface Scattering.

3.4. Propagation through Turbulent Media.


Chapter 4. Single-Pulse Direct-Detection Statistics.

4.1. Introduction.

4.2. Single-Point Statistics of Fully Developed Speckle.

4.3. Summed Statistics of Fully Developed Speckle.

4.4. Poisson Signal in Poisson Noise.

4.5. Negative Binomial Signal in Poisson Noise.

4.6. Noncentral Negative Binomial Signal in Poisson Noise.

4.7. Parabolic-Cylinder Signal in Gaussian Noise.

4.8. Detection of Signals in APD Excess Noise.

4.9. Detection in Atmospheric Turbulence.

4.10. Detection in Atmospheric Clutter.

4.11. Polarization Diversity.

4.12. Multiple Uncorrelated Signals.


Chapter 5. Single-Pulse Coherent Detection Statistics.

5.1. Introduction.

5.2. Constant-Amplitude Signal in Gaussian Noise.

5.3. Rayleigh Fluctuating Signal in Gaussian Noise.

5.4. One-Dominant-Plus-Rayleigh Signal in Gaussian Noise.

5.5. Rician Signal in Gaussian Noise.

5.6. Detection in Atmospheric Turbulence.

5.7. Coherent versus Noncoherent Performance.


Chapter 6. Multiple-Pulse Detection.

6.1. Introduction.

6.2. Direct-Detection Systems.

6.3. Coherent Detection Systems.

6.4. Binary Integration.


Appendix A. Advanced Mathematical Functions.

A.1. Dirac Delta and Unit Step Functions.

A.2. Gamma Function.

A.3. Confluent Hypergeometric Function.

A.4. Parabolic Cylinder Functions.

A.5. Toronto Function.


Appendix B. Additional Derivations.

B.1. Gamma Distribution.

B.2. Burgess Variance Theorem.


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detection; laser; fundamentals; optical; treatment; numerous; comprehensive; system; theory; applications; fields; particularly; communications; significant gap; literature; aspects; theoretical; fundamental