Bloomsbury Handbook of Method in Comparative and International Education

Bloomsbury Handbook of Method in Comparative and International Education

Shields, Dr Robin; Thomas, Matthew A. M.; Schweisfurth, Dr Michele; jules, Dr tavis d.

Bloomsbury Publishing PLC





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Method Matters: An Introduction to Method in Comparative and International Education, Matthew A.M. Thomas and Michele Schweisfurth (University of Glasgow)
Part I: Core Concepts
1. Ontology, Epistemology, and Axiology in CIE, Leon Tikly (University of Bristol, UK)
2. Reflexivity, Positionality, and Research Ethics: Disrupting Colonial Legacies in CIE, Payal Shah (University of South Carolina, USA)
3. Considering 'Context', Rhona Brown (University of Glasgow, UK) and Michele Schweisfurth (University of Glasgow, UK)
4. Units and Scales as Methodological Entry Points: A Pedagogical Dialogue, Susan L. Robertson (University of Cambridge, UK) and Jee Rubin (University of Cambridge, UK)
5. Decolonizing Research in CIE: Promises and Perils, tavis d. jules (Loyola University Chicago, USA) and Aizuddin Mohamed Anuar (Keele University, UK)
Part II: Methodology
6. Qualitative Research in CIE, Michael Crossley (University of Bristol, UK)
7. Quantitative Research in CIE, Stephanie Zuilkowski (Florida State University, USA) and Jeongmin Lee, (University of Notre Dame, USA)
8. Mixed Methods Research in CIE, Nozomi Sakata (Hiroshima University, Japan) and Joan DeJaeghere (University of Minnesota, USA)
Part III: Approaches
9. Ethnography, Kathryn Anderson-Levitt (University of Michigan-Dearborn, USA)
10. Narrative Inquiry: Making Meaning from Story, Sheila Trahar (University of Bristol, UK) and Yu Wai Ming (The Education University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong)
11. Autoethnography and Duoethnography in CIE, Nigel O.M. Brissett (Clark University, USA)
12. Qualitative Comparative Analysis: Bridging the Divide, Oliver Gill (University College London, UK) and Jan Germen Janmaat, (University College London, UK)
13. Revising Case Study in CIE: Mobilities of Policy, People, and Power, Jihae Cha (George Washington University, USA), Laura Engel (George Washington University, USA), and InJung Cho (George Washington University, USA)
14. Comparative Case Studies, Lesley Bartlett (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA) and Frances Vavrus (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA)
15. Participatory Action Research, Anna Robinson-Pant (University of East Anglia, UK) and Catherine Jere (University of East Anglia, UK)
16. Comparative Indigenous Research: Indigenous Communities, Knowledges, and Mana across Lands and Waters, Elizabeth Sumida Huaman (University of Minnesota, USA) and Peter Mataira (Hawaii Pacific University, USA)
17. Beyond the Human: Education Research through More-than-human Relations, Esther Pretti (Arizona State University, USA), Carrie Karsgaard (Cape Breton University), and Iveta Silova (Arizona State University, USA)
18. Arts-Based Approaches for CIE Research: Towards Sense- and Meaning-Making in the 'Borderlands', Lisa Bradley (University of Glasgow, UK) and Mia Perry (University of Glasgow, UK)
19. Textual Analysis: Varied Methods and Possibilities in ICE, Hannah K. D'Apice (Stanford University) tavis d. jules, (Loyola University Chicago, USA)
20. Social Network Analysis: Connecting the Dots in CIE, Bea Treena Macasaet (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg) and Marcelo Marques (University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg)
21. Process Tracing: Main Premises and Potential for CIE, Antoni Verger (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Andreu Termes (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain), Clara Fontdevila (University of Glasgow, UK)
22. Systematic Literature Reviews: Origins, Approaches, and Uses for CIE, Clara Fontdevila (University of Glasgow, UK)
23. Experimental and Quasi-Experimental Approaches (Including Randomized Controlled Trials), Miriam Broeks, Anthony J. Onwuegbuzie, Ricardo Sabates, and Pauline Rose (University of Cambridge, UK)
24. Program Evaluation: Using Different Methodologies and Methods to Measure Change, Emily Morris (TheBrookings Institution, American University, USA) and Gaelle Simon (Management Systems Worldwide)
Part IV: Methods and Analysis
25. Survey Questionnaires, Artemio Arturo Cortez Ochoa (University of Bristol, UK) and Robin Shields (University of Queensland, Australia)
26. Interviews and Focus Groups: More than Merely Talking, Matthew A.M. Thomas (University of Glasgow, UK) and Laura Engel (George Washington University, USA) and Leo Ren-hao Xu (University of Western Australia, Australia)
27. Observations: From Highly Structured to Ethnographic Approaches, Jennifer Maria Luoto (University of Oslo, Norway), Diana Rodriguez-Gomez (University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA), and Matthew A.M. Thomas (University of Glasgow, UK)
28. International Large-Scale Assessments (ILSAs): A Symbiotic Relationship with Comparative and International Education, Andres Sandoval Hernandez (University of Bath, UK)
29. Secondary Data Analysis: Excavating new answers from others' data, Elizabeth Buckner (University of Toronto, Canada)
30. Social Media Research: A View into the Social World of Education, Carrie Karsgaard (Cape Breton University) and Lynette Shultz (University of Alberta)
31. Historical Approaches and Methods: Is the Past a Foreign Country?, Elisabeth E. Lefebvre (Bethel University, USA) and Yeow-Tong Chia, (University of Sydney, Australia)
32. Bibliometric Research: Discovering and Uncovering Trends in the Literature, Robyn Read (Mastercard Foundation) and Chizoba Imoka (Mastercard Foundation)
33. Critical and Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Methodological considerations for CIE, Tessa DeLaquil, (Aarhus University, Denmark) and Matthew A.M. Thomas (University of Glasgow, UK)
34. Poststructural Analysis: Discourse, Knowledge, and the Conditions of Possibility, Sarah Langham, Tanjin Ashraf, and Jessica Holloway (Australia Catholic University, Australia)
35. Regression Analysis and Multilevel Modeling, Melissa Whatley (School for International Training, USA) and Shinji Katsumoto (University of Iowa)
36. Structural Equation Modeling: Applications in CIE, Samantha Curle (University of Bath, UK)
37. Causal Inference, Emma Gorman (University of Westminster, UK) and Kalyan Kumar Kameshwara (University of Westminster, UK)
Conclusion - Method Movement: Advancing Method in International and Comparative Education, Matthew A.M. Thomas (University of Glasgow) and tavis d. jules (Loyola University Chicago)
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research methods; methodologies; sociology; science; autoethnography; epistemology; research ethics; decolonization; ethnography; case studies; indigenous research