No More Kidney Stones

No More Kidney Stones

The Experts Tell You All You Need to Know about Prevention and Treatment

Jones, Rory; Sosa, R. Ernest; Rodman, John S.; Seidman, Cynthia

John Wiley & Sons Inc






15 a 20 dias


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Preface xi

Acknowledgments xv

About This Book xvii

Part One What You Need to Know About Kidney Stones

1 The Kidney Stone "Boom" 3

What Are Kidney Stones? 5

Why Do Some People Get Kidney Stones? 5

The Stone "Boom" 5

Prevention Is the Cure 6

The Dietary Prescription 6

Preventing Kidney Stones 6

Commitment to Change 7

2 The Urinary System 9

The Urinary System and How It Works 9

The Balance Concept 12

How Trouble Starts 13

3 How Your Kidneys Balance Your Body 14

Why Balance Is Important 15

Elements of Balance 15

How the Kidneys Keep the Body in Balance 15

What Happens When the Body Gets Out of Balance 18

How to Keep Your Sewer System Unclogged 19

4 Not All Kidney Stones Are Created Equal 20

Four Types of Kidney Stones 20

Calcium-Containing Stones 21

Uric Acid Stones 22

Cystine Stones 25

Struvite Stones 25

Bladder Stones 26

Importance of Stone Analysis 27

5 How and Why Kidney Stones Form 28

Genetics 28

Diet and Lifestyle 28

What Is a Kidney Stone? 29

Discouraging Crystal Formation 30

What Kidney Stones Are Made Of 30

The Conditions That Favor Crystal Formation 31

The Best Inhibitor of Kidney Stones 31

Making a Uric Acid Stone 32

6 Why Kidney Stones Are So Painful 34

Kinds of Pain 34

Three Areas Where Stones Hang Up 38

Secondary Symptoms 39

Never Make Your Own Diagnosis of a Stone 40

Treating Pain 40

When Hospitalization Is Needed 41

7 How Much Water Do I Really Have to Drink? 43

Causes of Low Urinary Output 43

How Much Is Enough? 44

Hard Water, Soft Water 44

Mineral Water 45

How to Consume More Water 45

The Role of Fluids 46

8 Dietary Troublemakers 47

How Much You Eat Is Just as Important as What You Eat 47

Animal Protein Is Animal Protein 48

Protein and Kidney Stones 48

The Calcium Controversy 49

Salt 53

Oxalate 54

Vitamins and Kidney Stones 55

Alcohol 58

The Dietary Troublemakers 59

9 Medical Conditions That Can Cause Kidney Stones 60

Bowel Disease 61

Medullary Sponge Kidney (MSK) 63

Hyperparathyroidism 65

Milk-Alkali Syndrome and Ulcers 65

Anatomic Abnormalities 66

Paralysis and Immobilization 68

Renal Tubular Acidosis (RTA) 69

Acquired RTA in Glaucoma Patients 69

Cystinuria 70

Oxalosis 70

10 Dieting Your Way to a Kidney Stone 72

The Problem with Rapid Weight Loss 72

Fad Dieting 73

Fad Health Regimens 75

Eating Disorders 76

Laxative Abuse 77

How Stone Formers Should Diet 78

11 Men and Stones 79

Why Men Make More Kidney Stones 79

Pain Patterns 82

12 Women and Stones 84

Why Women Make Kidney Stones 84

13 The Workup 89

Risk Assessment 89

The Workup 90

Translating Your Workup into a Risk Assessment 99

Where Are You on the Risk Ladder? 101

Part Two The Plan

14 No More Kidney Stones 105

Diet Is Not a Four-Letter Word 105

The Master Plan 106

Tips for Staying on the Plan 108

15 Finding the Diet That Is Right for You 110

Rating Yourself 110

How Much Do You Have to Change? 111

Do You Consume Too Many Troublemakers? 111

How to Know if You Are Eating Too Much Protein 115

How to Know if You Are Drinking Enough Fluids 117

Do You Weigh Too Much? 119

Food Diary 119

Classic Stone-Forming Profiles 120

16 Lifestyles of the Kidney Stone Former 130

Bathroom Access 130

Fluid Loss 132

Ultraviolet (UV) Light Exposure 132

Eating Patterns 133

Change in Lifestyle 134

17 Operation Oxalate 136

Why Dietary Oxalate Is Important 136

The Problem with Oxalate Recommendations 137

Key Issues in Oxalate Control 138

Oxalates and Seasonal Foods 139

18 Modifying Recipes and Controlling Portions 142

Recipe Modifications 142

Portion Control 146

19 Health-food Store Hazards 147

Supplements 147

Muscle-Building Protein Supplements 149

Herbal Teas 149

Natural Weight-Loss Regimes 150

Hair Regrowth 150

Beverages 150

Vegetarian Burgers 151

Laxatives 151

Energy Bars 152

The Juice Craze 152

Pastas 153

Candies and Cookies 153

Read Labels in the Health-Food Store 153

20 Special Occasions Parties and Other Excuses to Cheat 154

Thanksgiving 154

Barbecue 158

Wedding Banquet 159

Breakfast Buffet 162

Four Pitfalls of Special Occasions 163

21 Ethnic Cuisines 164

Chinese 164

Mexican 167

Greek 168

French 169

Japanese 170

Italian 171

American 173

Indian 175

22 Staying Motivated 178

How Far Can You Deviate? 179

Diluting the Mistake 179

Part Three Medicines, Specialists, and Procedures

23 Choosing a Specialist 183

Who Does What 183

How Do You Find Out Whom to See? 185

24 Medications 186

Who Needs to Take Medications? 187

What Are the Medications? 187

25 Deciding Who Should Be Treated 193

Assessing whether You Need Immediate Intervention 193

26 Procedures and Technology 201

Picking a Procedure 201

Comparison of ESWL and Ureteroscopy with Laser Lithotripsy 208

Treating Stones in the Kidney 210

Open Surgery 211

27 What to Expect Before, During, and After Treatment 214

What to Expect before and after Treatment 214

When to Call the Doctor 219

What if Treatment Fails? 219

Asking the Right Questions 220

Do Not Forget 221

Appendix A: Useful Tables 223

Appendix B: Food Diaries 235

Glossary 241

Bibliography 249

Index 251

About the Authors 269
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proven; last; plan; painful kidney stones; chronic; stone; risk; kidney; stones; guide; life forever; comprehensive; disease; health; painful; charge; experts; field; team; latest; factors; information; kidney stones; remedies; major; diet; types